Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Head Mounts

A few shots of the camp living room...
bear paws w/single barrel shotgun and red tail hawk

Head Mounts

black bear w/single shot winchester

My golden rainbow mount caught in Dorr County Wis.
Sorry forgot a picture of the jackalope!

"Toddler" Matthew at Camp Memorial Day Weekend

What a weekend at camp....planting a garden..fishing derby...swimming...fishing & kayaking and hanging w/friend Connor...not in a specific order..

kayaking and fishing

Driving the tractor at the sheep farm


Lincoln Sheep..good wool.....better yarn!

Happy Camper at the beach...

with Caleb ..he's 5

Connor and Matthew pushing each other B/4 bed time....

Connor's turn....

Monday morning...looking for his friend Connor next door...very cute,,,Connor lives in the next camp w/his grandparents

At the Fish Derby w/the "Worm"..
Holding the "Worm"....

Setting up our secret spot

Yuk...not the worm again.......

measuring our 1st catch...7"

Our fans

Sitting w/Daddy

Team fishing

waiting for the hook up

with the big bass and Jimmy Sullivan

Family shots

Fishing Derby winners Circle

A winner

Hanging w/Connor...........

Nanny Nancy getting the garden supplies set for the Green Thumbs

The planters.

Two guys already getting into trouble....Taking off in Granpy's golf cart

On the swings

Serious bubble making

Making bubbles w/Nanny

Planting w/Granpy

Proper seed placement is important

A watchful eye...

Final check of the garden B/4 we head back home...Milwaukee Bob will keep it watered...