Saturday, March 19, 2011

The final Weeks In Florida and the Trip Home

The final weeks in Florida and the trip home.......
A beautiful dinner w/Thelma,Gordon,Nancy.Molly,Terry & ME (Rod)

Vist w/Jay in Venice Fla

The Woodbrook group in Venice Fla

Road trip for the Fat Boy

Out on the Gulf relaxing and fishing

Buddy Don w/a fish on

Watchful eye of the Osprey

Nancy Tyke & Sister Barb

Petes wild hog

Escargot...I love this stuff Who ate the first snail

Cuddle Couple Barb & Tyke

What's this toast for?

Happy Hour

Capt. Ivan at the helm

Capt. & Crew


Holy mackerel

Fresh sheepshead dinner

My buddy Ivan...he is an awesome guy

He shares me w/Nancy!

Cute couple

My buddies Ivan & Terry

Two cute couples!

Joe, Kathy,Gladys,Ivan,Rod,Nancy,Terry & Hazel at the beach after a great dinner

Shore birds

Looking down the Skyway Sunshine Bridge from below

Terry, Molly W/Little Jay & Todd viewing the Anniversary ice sculpture by Rod

Drumming on St Pete Beach at sunset

Entering the Ocala Forest by bike

Armadillo road kill

Our rig & toys

Large silver oak

Salt Springs

The beginning of the Salt Spring run

Friend Ray showing Rod his bonsai's

Claire w/one of the many beautiful bonsai they have

Bernie & Rod half way through a nice scoot and dinner This is one of those best of times

Dinner after hooking up w/Terry & Hazel on the road home

Real shore dinner on Tybee Island Ga.

Rod fights a very large gator....OK so it was a tame one

Fresh oysters

Lunch in Charleston SC

Grass baskets

Beautid=ful Charleston gate

Bowens Island Oyster s

Scary restaurant

Final fire of the season at James Island Sc

Pedro welcomes all South of the Boarder

You see some strange things while on the road

Nancy at Virginia Beach

Nephew Collin in the out field

Collin & Mary Dorthy ready to eat

Kevin cooking another great meal on the EVO

Dusty does the clean up

Arriving at camp in New Hampshire on 4/9/11

Snow ball fight

Our friend Ralph greets us back at camp

Seeing the boys for dinner

Joey looking too cool

Grampy's new bike 2009 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic

Friends Dan & Cecelia visiting from Az

Easter w/Joey

Matthew smile for the Easter Booty

Nanny and her boys

Bath time for one cute baby "Joey"

Grampy & Matthew vamping it up

Now these are funny....he is such a cute little guy