Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Nanny Nancy Toddler Matthew & Granpy Rod arrived in Utica on Friday for the Celebration Service for our Uncle Bob........on the way we stopped at the Knapp's Farm for a visit.

Here is Matthew eyeing Katherine...he is such a charmer!

Here is a shot Nancy Knapp's garden

Here is Farmer Bob....

Nancy sits with one of her plants......

Here we are at Aunt Barbara's house where Matthew meets his cousin Paris

They hit it off right away...

They hold hands and go off in search of adventure in the yard
Look who takes the lead!

Here the kids find a Gnome....

Paris wants a pine cone....
Matthew obliges and gets her a pine cone
Two cute kids
Here they sit on the porch with Bumpa Jack...
Matthew feeding Paris cute...

Here Brothers Papa Richard & Grandpy Rod pose...
At nephew Georges house Matthew and Grandpy play cars

Nanny & Aunt Barbara watch Matthew play w/his new car

Mermaid Nanny swims w/Matthew (he called her a mermaid)
Spinning swim w/Nanny

Grandpy helps Matthew ready for a jump off of the diving board ...while Daddy waits below...
Matthew swimming w/mermaids nanny Aunt Barbara & Mommy
Aunt Mary D gives Matthew some cake.....
Here Matthews gets a loving face wipe.....
Aunt Mary Dorthy gets a kiss in return

And Matthew rides off into the sunset

What a great time everyone had.......

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