Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Black Hills S Dakota

We toured the black Hills S Dakota.....Crazy Horse & Mt Rushmore monuments then a full loop through the park up down up down up & down hills and plains

Nancy's life dream to see Mt Rushmore.....who would have known!

Here are the boys....

Some tourist asked if I could take their picture so I did

Here we are after I asked one of the tourist to take our picture with our camera!

Some antelope and sheep that were hanging around the monuments....actually these antelopes were every where...kind of like pigeons in a city.

A shot of the plains...vast landscape

More of the boys from a tunnel through the hill

One of the wild burro's the also roam the hills...they were left behind by the miners...when they see a vehicle heading thier way they move into the road to stop you...chance you may have a treat for them....and yes nice smelling too!

A couple of my artistic shots...(what do you think Lois?)

More shots of Mt Rushmore

Another antelope that was on the road

Rolling hills

Another type of Mt Sheep that infested this picnic area...

We drove through the Custer Park where they just finished the annual Buffalo roundup,,,15,000 people where there at 5/AM to get a spot to view the round up (we missed it!) and by the time we got here most everyone was gone.

Road blocking burros

Wild herd of Buffalo

Nancy & Rod at the round up (well after the round up)

One of the 6 tunnels we had to drive through...

This tunnel had a turn in it and the our truck just squeezed through...good thing we took the camper off...

Here we are at the Needles section of the trip

This was a big bull buffalo that the left out of the round up because he was to wild to handle

Here is the crazy horse monument..a work in give you a perspective..the tunnel opening is 10 storied high...this is a big sculpture and will take a long time to finish..all done wit donated federal funding

This is what it will look like some day..the sculpture was born and raised in Boston...he has passed on but 7 of his 10 children still work on the monument.

One more scenic shot and a beautiful sunset..then back to Deadwood to eat and gamble!

1 comment:

Matt K said...

Very awesome. Matthew is mad you wouldn't take him after he saw the buffaloes.